Synergy Central COVID-19 UPDATE
Dear Synergy Learners
COVID-19 is having a dramatic effect on our community, including the education sector, and it is vitally important for each of us to do our best to ensure our own safety and the safety of others, in the purpose of this message is to provide information which may be useful to each of you as well as some tips on completing your training during this troubling time.
Firstly, although we normally like individual units to be fully completed for been lodged for assessment, during the COVID-19 crisis, we suggest you concentrate on the online portion of your course and complete the practical aspects at a later time, or when it is otherwise safe for you to do so.
Secondly, consider the information provided in the following links and advice to ensure your safety and the safety of others:
– The National vet regulator has encouraged RTO’s who undertake flexible delivery options such as those listed above
– The Australian Department of Health Coronavirus information
– Fitness Australia advice from Coronavirus
– Physical activity Australia advice on Coronavirus
– Exercise and sports science Australia advice on Coronavirus
To recap:
– Concentrate on the theory portions of your course using the online system
– If possible delay your practical activities until a later time or undertake them in a safe situation
– If your time runs out during the Coronavirus outbreak, message me and I’ll provide cost free extension on your course
At the end of the day we all want the same things, for each of you to successfully complete your courses in a safe and positive manner.