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Recognition of prior learning (including recognition of current competency) is the process by which a learner can provide evidence that they ready hold competencies (certifications, skills, experience) for an area of the course and are seeking an exemption from those activities.

In most cases RPL is sought for an entire unit of competency rather than a particular task.

The process with Synergy Central requires the learner to complete and RPL kit for the course or part of the course that they are seeking exemptions for. If the evidence they can provide supports their claim, then RPL can be granted.

The most common mistake with RPL is that people think because they have a higher qualification or a qualification they think is similar, that they simply show their evidence and they receive the RPL.

A good example of this would be someone with a degree in human movement automatically thinking they have for RPL for a certificate IV in fitness.

Although the degree is a level VII qualification and the fitness is only a level IV qualification, there are specific requirements in the certificate IV that are not necessarily addressed in the degree. For example, group exercise and group training sessions, personal training sessions, etc, are not commonly covered in a degree of human movement. An applicant would have to show what additional evidence they have to fill the gaps.

RPL requires evidence that addresses everything in a unit of competency and not just something that at face value appears to address the name of the unit.

what is rpl

Recognition of prior learning (RPL), is a process for giving candidates credit for skills, knowledge and experience gained through working and learning. It can be gained at any stage of their lives, through formal and informal learning, in Australia or overseas, through work or other activities such as volunteering.

what is involved

You will be required to complete a RPL Kit in FULL to receive a RPL kit or for us to even except the kit and contents.

What are the key points to consider prior to applying for RPL?


Saying something is simply not enough
Documents like resumes are merely saying something in writing (statements) that need to be backed up by supporting evidence.


If it isn’t in writing, it doesn’t count
All evidence needs to be documented, and may include testimonies, reference letters, etc, as long as they are recorded and validated.


Everything needs to be current (up to date)
Just because you hold a qualification it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable. Things change and the applicant needs to demonstrate how they have maintained currency.


These may not be measurable against Australian Qualifications
The trap here is that these qualifications may have different terminology, components, learning outcomes, or elements that we are simply unable to accurately map against the units in a VET course. If we can’t map it, we can’t award it.


Your evidence needs to demonstrate your work, experience, knowledge and ability against standards & requirements, what your company or another organisation counts may not be enough or correct for the standards that are required to award RPL.