Our Course Delivery Approach
Synergy Central’s courses are predominantly delivered through following options:
- Online delivery (VASTO)
- Flexible delivery (some face-to-face and some external delivery)
- External delivery (requires practical task to be done under relevant supervision in an appropriate environment)
- RPL (includes recognition of prior learning and recognition of current competency)
Note: Where it is relevant delivery options may be contextualised to meet specific needs, however any modifications or changes must still meet the requirements specified in the units of competency. This means that in some circumstances contextualisation will not be possible an example being that in the unit HLTAID001 CPR must be done on the floor, where other units will require that a tasks be done but not designate the exact location or circumstances.
Synergy Central’s delivery and assessment is consistent across all delivery and assessment platforms. Although the approach may vary the same information is provided, and the same assessment activities need to be completed. No matter what delivery option learner undertakes the materials are the same.
Course Completion Time Frames
Unless otherwise specified all Synergy Central courses for the achievement of a full qualification have a completion deadline of 12 months, however Synergy Central may grant extensions as it sees fit.
The 12 month completion time frame is not relevant for funded training such as trainee-ships.
Online Delivery
Synergy’s online delivery is undertaken using the VASTO E-Learning which Synergy also uses for the administration of enrolment, records and communication, and AVETMISS reporting.
The online system and students and assessors have login portals where they can undertake theory exams online, access instructions for practical tasks, and upload evidence for practical task such as documents, declarations, etc. The student online portal also allows the student to communicate directly with their assessor and as soon as they type in a message, the assessor is alerted by email and the student communication is populated to the assessors log important. All details of communications a stored within the system, as are the results of assessment.
The online delivery system is accessible using the Google Chrome search browser from any computer that has Internet connection anywhere in the world 24 hours a day. This means the learner can work on their assessment task and send messages to their assessor no matter what the time, or what time zone they are in, and the assessor can respond when they are online.
One of the benefits of online delivery is that individuals can complete a course at their own pace and in line with their own abilities and circumstances.
Flexible Delivery
Flexible delivery can be undertaken in several ways including, one-on-one mentoring, face-to-face delivery followed by external completion of assessments, workshop delivery over time with some assessments done in the workshops and others completed externally.
Which of the three flexible delivery options is chosen depends on factors that may include; learner or industry needs, the availability of resources, scheduling, and so forth?
Like online learning, flexible delivery allows learners to compete in a time frame determined by their own circumstances and abilities with some learners completing very quickly, and others needing an extended period of time.
External Delivery
External delivery (self-paced) is the most flexible form of delivery and that the learner determines where and when study will occur. The benefit to this is that the learner a central study around work, family, or other commitments. The potentially negative part of self-paced training is that learners are not held to specific schedules and as such may Procrastinate or otherwise not put enough time and effort into the study to meet the completion guidelines.
Synergy Central is trying to make self-paced learning as user-friendly as possible with its new materials, and provides the learner with ongoing help desk and support. It is, however, the learner’s responsibility to ensure that they undertake learning and assessment activities are part of which includes keep in regular contact with their appointed trainer/assessor and ensuring they put sufficient time and effort into the study.
All assessment tasks in Synergy Central courses have been designed to be user-friendly and easy to follow, yet appropriately address the requirements specified within the units of competency. Assessment task in Synergy Central courses may include but not be limited to:
• Written test
• Oral questioning
• Practical activities
• Projects
• Portfolio
• On the job assessment
• Simulation
All new materials developed from January 2014 will utilise Synergy Central’s latest approach in providing instructions for an undertaking assessments. Usually delivery will be undertaken utilising our online learning platform (VASTO), but we needed may be undertaken using workbooks and documents provided by email.
The simple approach taken with our activities not only provides the task you need to complete but also indicates where information or activity may be undertaken to more easily complete the task.
Learner declaration
For assessment tasks that are not completed online, the learner will need to provide a signed declaration indicating that the work was their own.